ملخص البحث
سعي البحث الحالي إلي الإجابة عن الأسئلة التالية : ـ
1. ما المعايير المهنية المعاصرة التي يجب توافرها في أداء معلمي الرياضيات بالمرحلة الإعدادية ؟
2. ما مدي توافر هذه المعايير في أداء مجموعة من معلمي الرياضيات بالمرحلة الإعدادية في محافظة المنوفية ؟
3. ما تأثير الخبرة الزمنية والبعثات التعليمية علي معلمي الرياضيات من حيث مدي توافر هذه المعايير المهنية لديهم ؟
4. ما التصور المقترح لتطوير أداء معلمي الرياضيات في ضوء المعايير المهنية المعاصرة ؟
وللإجابة عن هذه الأسئلة تم بناء ثلاث أدوات هي : ـ
1. إستبيان تحديد المعايير المهنية المعاصرة .
2. بطاقة ملاحظة لتحديد مدي توافر المعايير المهنية لدي معلمي الرياضيات .
3. بطاقة مقابلة لتحديد مدي توافر المعايير المهنية لدي معلمي الرياضيات .
وتم تطبيق الإستبيان علي 100 معلم وموجه بمحافظة المنوفية وبطاقة الملاحظة وبطاقة المقابلة علي 60 معلم بمحافظة المنوفية .
وبإستخدام نموذج التحليل الإحصائي سباعي المرحلة تم تحليل الدرجات الخام للبحث , وأسفر هذا التحليل عن النتائج التالية : ـ
1. يجب توافر ( 52 ) معيار مهني لدي معلمي الرياضيات في المدرسة المصرية .
2. توافرت غالبية المعايير بدرجات تتراوح ما بين ( قليلة ـ متوسطة ) لدي معلمي الرياضيات بالعينة حيث تراوحت نسبة توافر المعايير بصورة كبيرة ما بين 0 ٪ ـ 25 ٪ , بإستثناء المعيار الأساسي الأخير الخاص بأخلاقيات معلم الرياضيات .
3. توافرت المعايير بنسبة كبيرة ( 34‚66٪ ) لدي معلمي البعثات التعليمية مقارنة بالمعلمين ذوي الخبرة الزمنية الطويلة .
4. تم وضع تصور مقترح لتطوير أداء معلمي الرياضيات في ضوء المعايير المهنية المعاصرة
The current research aimed at answering the following questions:
1. What are the professional standards that should be provided in mathematics teachers’ performance in the preparatory stage ?
2. To what extent are these standards are provided in the mathematics teachers’ performance in Menoufia governorate ?
3. What is the effect of teaching experience and educational scholarship on the level of standards providence among the mathematics teachers ?
4. What is the suggested prospective for developing the mathematics teachers performance in the light of the professional standards ?
To answer the above questions , three research tools were built :
1. Professional standards questionnaire .
2. Observation checklist .
3. Interview form .
The questionnaire was applied on ( 100 ) mathematic teachers and supervisor in Menoufia government while the observation checklist and the interview form were applied on ( 60 ) mathematics teachers only .
Using the seven stage statistical analysis model , the research data were analyzed and the following results were obtained :
1. About ( 52 ) professional standards should be provided in the mathematics teacher performance in the preparatory stage .
2. Most of the standards were provided among mathematics teachers in the sample with a scale ( few – medium ) and about ( 0 % - 25 % ) of the professional standards were provided among the mathematics school teachers except for the teachers morals standard .
3. The professional standards were provided among the teachers who have educational scholarships greater than their partners who have long experience in teaching .
4. A suggested prospective was built to develop the mathematics teachers’ performance in the light of the light of the professional standards .
This research aims at answering the following questions :
1. Which Contemporary Professional Standards be suitable to Egyptian environment and should be existent in Mathematics teachers performance in preparatory stage ?
2. What is range of existent these standards in group performance of Mathematics teachers in preparatory stage in Menoufia Governorate ?
3. What is influence of carnal experience and teaching expeditions on Mathematics teachers from which range of existent these Professional Standards for them ?
4. What is the proposal conception for developing teachers’ performance in light of these standards ?
Three tools were built to answer these questions : -
1. Professional Standards Questionnaire .
2. Observation Checlclist to knowing range of existent these Professional standards for Mathematics teachers.
3. Interview Checlclist to knowing range of existent these Professional standards for Mathematics teachers.
These tools have been applicated , Questionnaire on ( 100 ) teachers and Supervisor in Minufiya Governorate and ( Observation Checlclist – Interview Checlclist ) on ( 60 ) teachers Minufiya Governorate .
By using statistic analysis model which contains seven stages , the results were : -
1. Mathematics teachers in Egyptian environment should have ( 52 ) Professional Standards .
2. A lot of standards were existent by classes between ( few – middle ) for sample mathematics teachers except the last standard which special for mathematics teachers manners .
3. These standards were existent for teaching expeditions teachers more than long carnal experience teachers .
4. Proposal conception was put for developing teachers’ performance in light of these standards .
سعي البحث الحالي إلي الإجابة عن الأسئلة التالية : ـ
1. ما المعايير المهنية المعاصرة التي يجب توافرها في أداء معلمي الرياضيات بالمرحلة الإعدادية ؟
2. ما مدي توافر هذه المعايير في أداء مجموعة من معلمي الرياضيات بالمرحلة الإعدادية في محافظة المنوفية ؟
3. ما تأثير الخبرة الزمنية والبعثات التعليمية علي معلمي الرياضيات من حيث مدي توافر هذه المعايير المهنية لديهم ؟
4. ما التصور المقترح لتطوير أداء معلمي الرياضيات في ضوء المعايير المهنية المعاصرة ؟
وللإجابة عن هذه الأسئلة تم بناء ثلاث أدوات هي : ـ
1. إستبيان تحديد المعايير المهنية المعاصرة .
2. بطاقة ملاحظة لتحديد مدي توافر المعايير المهنية لدي معلمي الرياضيات .
3. بطاقة مقابلة لتحديد مدي توافر المعايير المهنية لدي معلمي الرياضيات .
وتم تطبيق الإستبيان علي 100 معلم وموجه بمحافظة المنوفية وبطاقة الملاحظة وبطاقة المقابلة علي 60 معلم بمحافظة المنوفية .
وبإستخدام نموذج التحليل الإحصائي سباعي المرحلة تم تحليل الدرجات الخام للبحث , وأسفر هذا التحليل عن النتائج التالية : ـ
1. يجب توافر ( 52 ) معيار مهني لدي معلمي الرياضيات في المدرسة المصرية .
2. توافرت غالبية المعايير بدرجات تتراوح ما بين ( قليلة ـ متوسطة ) لدي معلمي الرياضيات بالعينة حيث تراوحت نسبة توافر المعايير بصورة كبيرة ما بين 0 ٪ ـ 25 ٪ , بإستثناء المعيار الأساسي الأخير الخاص بأخلاقيات معلم الرياضيات .
3. توافرت المعايير بنسبة كبيرة ( 34‚66٪ ) لدي معلمي البعثات التعليمية مقارنة بالمعلمين ذوي الخبرة الزمنية الطويلة .
4. تم وضع تصور مقترح لتطوير أداء معلمي الرياضيات في ضوء المعايير المهنية المعاصرة
The current research aimed at answering the following questions:
1. What are the professional standards that should be provided in mathematics teachers’ performance in the preparatory stage ?
2. To what extent are these standards are provided in the mathematics teachers’ performance in Menoufia governorate ?
3. What is the effect of teaching experience and educational scholarship on the level of standards providence among the mathematics teachers ?
4. What is the suggested prospective for developing the mathematics teachers performance in the light of the professional standards ?
To answer the above questions , three research tools were built :
1. Professional standards questionnaire .
2. Observation checklist .
3. Interview form .
The questionnaire was applied on ( 100 ) mathematic teachers and supervisor in Menoufia government while the observation checklist and the interview form were applied on ( 60 ) mathematics teachers only .
Using the seven stage statistical analysis model , the research data were analyzed and the following results were obtained :
1. About ( 52 ) professional standards should be provided in the mathematics teacher performance in the preparatory stage .
2. Most of the standards were provided among mathematics teachers in the sample with a scale ( few – medium ) and about ( 0 % - 25 % ) of the professional standards were provided among the mathematics school teachers except for the teachers morals standard .
3. The professional standards were provided among the teachers who have educational scholarships greater than their partners who have long experience in teaching .
4. A suggested prospective was built to develop the mathematics teachers’ performance in the light of the light of the professional standards .
This research aims at answering the following questions :
1. Which Contemporary Professional Standards be suitable to Egyptian environment and should be existent in Mathematics teachers performance in preparatory stage ?
2. What is range of existent these standards in group performance of Mathematics teachers in preparatory stage in Menoufia Governorate ?
3. What is influence of carnal experience and teaching expeditions on Mathematics teachers from which range of existent these Professional Standards for them ?
4. What is the proposal conception for developing teachers’ performance in light of these standards ?
Three tools were built to answer these questions : -
1. Professional Standards Questionnaire .
2. Observation Checlclist to knowing range of existent these Professional standards for Mathematics teachers.
3. Interview Checlclist to knowing range of existent these Professional standards for Mathematics teachers.
These tools have been applicated , Questionnaire on ( 100 ) teachers and Supervisor in Minufiya Governorate and ( Observation Checlclist – Interview Checlclist ) on ( 60 ) teachers Minufiya Governorate .
By using statistic analysis model which contains seven stages , the results were : -
1. Mathematics teachers in Egyptian environment should have ( 52 ) Professional Standards .
2. A lot of standards were existent by classes between ( few – middle ) for sample mathematics teachers except the last standard which special for mathematics teachers manners .
3. These standards were existent for teaching expeditions teachers more than long carnal experience teachers .
4. Proposal conception was put for developing teachers’ performance in light of these standards .
الخميس مايو 09, 2013 10:32 pm من طرف قداري محمد
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